Resources & Research
CAPE produces extensive resources on Singapore civil society, political processes, and civic issues as part of our mission to build political literacy. These resources span aerialised project resources such as CAPE Curator, Parliament Tracker, and Activism Archive.
Our resources are free to use for non-commercial purposes with attribution. Do reach out to us if you would like to contribute to our ongoing projects!

Project Resources
Activism Archive

Activism Archive is an archival project documenting case studies of activism and movements of social change in Singapore, celebrating the incredible contribution, diversity and breadth of Singaporean civil society. This project hopes to enhance our appreciation of Singaporean social activism, with a distinct emphasis on documenting and analysing their tactics and strategies: what strategies did they adopt, what worked, why it worked, and what we can learn from each other.
Big Ideas Explained

Much of Singaporean academia remains inaccessible to the public due to jargon or paywalls, thus impacting citizen participation in policy conversations and civic engagement. Big Ideas Explained is an infographic project by CAPE aimed at digesting and repackaging theories, knowledge, and research by our homegrown academics for the Singaporean public.
Parliament Tracker

Parliament Tracker was an initiative by CAPE to track parliamentary proceedings, crunching data on MP attendance, bills and debates, and Parliamentary Questions fielded. This project aims to inform Singaporeans on parliamentary proceedings and promote access to our political processes.
CAPE Curator

CAPE Curator was a fortnightly news aggregator that curates news on local current and civic affairs. Keep updated on local politics with news summaries and links to other articles and commentaries!
Civic and Advocacy Resources
Other Publications