Activism Burnout


  • Activist Trauma Support, “Sustainable Activism and Avoiding Burnout” <>
  • Carolyn Hax (The Seattle Times, 2 February 2019), “How to deal with political burnout” <>
  • Carter, S. B. (2013), “The Tell Tale Signs of Burnout… Do You Have Them?” <>
  • Celeste Scott (The Good Trade), “4 Tips For Navigating Political Fatigue” <>
  • Choudry, A. (2020), “Activist learning and knowledge production” <>
  • Dahl, V. et al. (2017), “Apathy or alienation? Political passivity among youths across eight European Union countries” <>
  • Dean, D. G. (1965), “Powerlessness and Political Apathy” <>
  • Gorski, P. C. & Chen, C. (2015), ““Frayed all over:” The causes and consequences of activist burnout among social justice education activists” <>
  • National Youth Council (2015), “Youth & Political Participation” <>
  • Noreena Hertz (The Guardian, 10 June 2001), “It’s not about apathy” <>
  • Pines, A. M. (1994), “Burnout in Political Activism: An Existential Perspective” <>
  • Political Charge (2019), “23 Effective Ways to Avoid Political Burnout in 2020” <>
  • Rosenberg, M. (1954), “Some Determinants of Political Apathy” <>
  • Scanlon, J. (1993), “Keeping Our Activist Selves Alive in the Classroom: Feminist Pedagogy and Political Activism” <>
  • SUSS (2020), “Singapore youths: Civic apathy or Civic Engagement?” <>
  • Tamsin Rutter (The Guardian, 1 April 2014), “Why people are not engaged in politics and policymaking – and how to fix it” <>
  • Tan, T. H., Chung, S. & Zhang, W. (2012), “Survey on Political Traits and Media Use Singapore Youth: Different but not that different” <>
  • Chowdhury, S. R. (2020), “Lessons on Becoming Viral, Migrant Justice Activist Burnout” <>
  • Yip, C. (CNA, 17 April 2020), “‘Your website will save lives’: NUS graduate builds translation portal for medical teams treating migrant workers” <>
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