What exactly is being proposed in the anti-fake news bill? How does this compare with what other countries have legislated? How can we get our voices heard in Parliament? Find out in our infographic summary attached!
Veteran journalist, Bertha Henson, has drafted a template that you can refer to in writing to your MP about your concerns on the proposed Bill: www.facebook.com/bertha.henson.54/posts/1246825338789580
Prof. Cherian George has also written an article [1] about how the laws may provide outsized powers to the Government, and how this may have a chilling effect upon freedoms of expressions in Singapore. Senior Minister of State, Edwin Tong, has responded [2] to the Prof. Cherian’s article, and Prof. Cherian has also written a reply [3]. Read them here:
[1] https://docs.google.com/…/1n09-7WntYCnBYlEnA-5uXcq1dp…/edit…
[2] https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2131924846893616&id=101815586571229
[3] http://blog.freedomfromthepress.info/2019/…/06/falsehoods-2/