Workplace Discrimination: Is Singapore Doing Enough?

After a part-time promoter at a Tangs pop-up booth was told to remove her hijab in order to be allowed to continue working on its premises and after public pressure including from President Halimah Yacob and Senior Minister of State for Manpower Zaqy Mohamad, the store changed its guidelines to allow employees and brand partners to wear religious headgear while working on its premises. TAFEP is also investigating the incident.

In this infographic, CAPE looks at current measures to deal with workplace discrimation in Singapore and examines whether it is time to enact an anti-discrimination legislation.


  1. AWARE and DPA (2018), “Joint Submission to the Public Consultation on the Employment Act Review” <>
  2. Ministry of Manpower (2018), “Legal and punitive measures in place to tackle workplace discrimination” <>
  3. Rachel Phua (Channel NewsAsia, 14 January 2020), “Harsher penalties for companies whose hiring practices discriminate against Singaporeans” <>
  4. Ministry of Manpower, “How MOM Deals with Employment Discrimination” <>
  5. Chia, A., & Lim, A. (2010). Singapore: equality, harmony and fair employment. International handbook on diversity management at work: Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment, 198.
  6. American Chamber of Commerce (2019), “Increasing Innovation and Productivity in Singapore: The Role of Diversity and Inclusion” <>
  7. ILO 2012 General Survey on the fundamental Conventions concerning rights at work in light of the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008 at [854] – [855] <—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_174846.pdf>
  8. Reach Singapore (2013), “Articles: Govt is open to anti-discrimination labour laws: Chuan-Jin & Employers open to hiring older workers: Study” <>
  9. Yasmine Yahya (The Straits Times, 14 May 2018), “Parliament: Give legal powers to Tafep to fight workplace discrimination, suggests MP” <>
  10. Workers’ Party (2020), “Make Your Vote Count: The Workers’ Party Manifesto 2020” <>
  11. OECD (2008), “The Price of Prejudice: Labor Market Discrimination on the Grounds of Gender and Ethnicity” at p 46 <>
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