The Ground Speaks: Budget 2021 Conversations by AGS x CAPE

On 16th February, DPM Heng Swee Keat will announce Budget 2021. COVID-19 has posed greater challenges to persons from low-income communities and as we shift into a new normal:

Does the announced Budget 2021 adequately address the needs of our low-income communities*?

Over the last two weeks, A Good Space (AGS) and the Community for Advocacy and Political Education (CAPE) have been collecting requests and recommendations from various changemakers on how they think Budget 2021 can adequately support the evolving needs of low-income communities, including folks from:

• ReadABLE
• SG Assist
• Cassia Resettlement Team
• Disabled Persons’ Association
• Project X
• Sayoni
• Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
• TWC2
• REACH Community Services
• Engineering Good
• 6th Sense

We consolidated some of these recommendations and are inviting Singaporeans from all walks of life to vote and share their views with us at a live poll.

On 18th February, we gathered changemakers in the people sector, civil society, concerned citizens and Members of Parliament in a co-ordinated response to engage in a generative discussion on whether Budget 2021 adequately addresses the needs of our low-income communities.

The session was facilitated by Anthea Ong, former Nominated Member of Parliament of the 13th Parliament of Singapore.

*Low-income communities could include: rental flat households, low wage workers, migrant workers, migrant spouses, low-income seniors, low-income single parents, low-income PWDs, low-income persons with mental health conditions, homeless persons, etc

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